Stories of Healing

The Stories of Healing are submitted by people who have attended our St. Peregrine Healing Masses. They shared how God has helped them deal with their illnesses and sufferings. We hope these stories provide you with comfort, courage and strength. If you have a story you would like to share, email your narrative to

My brother was diagnosed with leukemia in June 2019. I googled the patron saint of anyone suffering from this disease and found St. Peregrine. I immediately began a novena for his intercession. I also asked everyone I knew to pray for my brother as well. My brother was immediately placed on chemotherapy. His response was so quick that he was released from the hospital earlier than expected. I continued to pray. My brother called me in August to tell me that he was leukemia free.

I remembered the story in the Bible of Jesus healing a group of men and only one returned to thank Him. I am thanking Our Lord for my brother’s healing and St. Peregrine for his intercession.

Michaelynn L.
December 2019

An October 2019 Update on my story…

If you can picture the ball going back and forth in a tennis match, my prostate cancer could be represented by the tennis ball. I am hitting it with hope that the cancer doesn't come back to me. However, I have found that cancer is a tough opponent. Even when you think you are winning; it will surprise you with a quick return. With my cancer in remission for over a year, the oncologist treating me said that based on the results of bloodwork, the cancer was making a counter-attack. I needed to resume medical treatment but, I also knew that once again, I would need St. Peregrine in my court.

I attended a healing Mass in June at Blessed Sacrament Church, Town of Tonawanda, once more asking for St. Peregrine's intercession. I know prayer is a powerful medicine and God does hear our prayers. Three months later after going for bloodwork, I met with my doctor who informed me that the cancer was retreating. She told me the credit for this should go to a "much higher source" than her ----God. The oncologist said her role in this was minor.

The following week, I attended a Healing Mass at Our Lady of Czestochowa. While receiving my personal blessing from Father David Bellittiere, I informed him that I am now giving thanks for the healing I experienced through St. Peregrine's intercession. Fr. Bellittiere recommended that in addition to giving thanks, I should be praying for those who are still fighting cancer. I will do this and I hope God in His mercy will answer more prayers of those suffering from this dreaded disease.

Joe Pasek
Tonawanda, NY
October 2019


A January 2019 Update on my story…

I have attended St. Peregrine Healing Masses since 2002 right after being diagnosed with prostate cancer. It has been like a roller coaster ride with the cancer going into remission and then years later coming back. During this time, I have continued going to healing masses as much as I could.

On October 1, 2018, while the prostate cancer was active, I attended a service at Our Lady of Czestochowa in North Tonawanda. As always, Father David Bellittiere’s message from his homily was inspiring and gave all of us who are fighting cancer a sense of optimism. When it came to share my concern and requesting St. Peregrine’s intercession, I received Fr. Bellittiere’s blessing along with his customary smile. As I was returning to my pew, I saw for a brief mini-second a flash of bright light as if someone took my picture with a flash camera, but that was not the case. Arriving at my pew, I felt something moving below my abdomen and lasting for about 6 or 7 seconds. At first, I thought it was my stomach rumbling (telling me I needed to eat and that it was hunger pains), but it came much lower within my pelvic area. I had never felt this sensation before. I mentioned to my wife who was with me, something was going on within me and I was feeling a sense of calm.

I was scheduled for lab work a few weeks later, followed by a visit to my oncologist. At that time, my doctor told me my prostate cancer was “undetectable” based on my blood work. I have no doubt that St. Peregrine’s intercession on my behalf had been answered. I have heard when a person’s cancer has been “cured”, God has taken over things and it’s in His hands. Other times, I believe He uses doctors with treatments as tools to get the job done. My doctor has told me she can’t take the credit for any of this, it’s from a much higher source.

I will continue attending St. Peregrine Healing Masses; however, I will now be giving thanks.

Joe Pasek
Tonawanda, NY
January 2019


An October 2016 Update on my story…

Through the intercession of St. Peregrine, my prayers to the Lord were answered again.

Fourteen years ago (2002) after being diagnosed with prostate cancer, I experienced the normal anxiety associated with that dreaded word. I was scheduled to have a radiation treatment at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in early January 2003. As that day was approaching, I attended my first healing mass. I remember upon receiving the healing anointing, I was overcome with a warm, comforting feeling. I sensed there was nothing to worry about. Later, I went to Roswell without any apprehension, needless to say everything went well and subsequently the cancer went into remission.

Well thirteen years later, the cancer returned in a more aggressive manner. This time, I could not receive additional radiation and had to start a different type of treatment. Fortunately for me, the day before I was to meet with my doctor to obtain the results, I attended another healing mass at the Good Shepherd Church in Pendleton. Once again, I was asking St. Peregrine for his intercession. As I was returning to my pew after receiving the anointing from Father David, I felt a soothing, relaxing sensation. It was as if a voice was telling me everything would be fine. Sure enough, the next day my doctor informed me that the cancer is regressing. My prayer for intercession was being answered again. My medical care will be with Christ’s best interest for me.

Joe Pasek
Tonawanda, NY
October 2016


My First Healing Story…

Having been diagnosed with early states of prostate cancer, I attended a St. Peregrine Healing Mass with my wife, Chris. Upon entering the church, we walked to the front of the church and sat near the St. Peregrine statue. Immediately, I felt a warm and comforting sensation. It was like St. Peregrine was telling me everything was going to be okay. At the same time, the feeling I acquired was that a new strong friendship was being developed. Since that day, I have worn the St. Peregrine medal along with a Blessed Virgin Mary medal (which I had worn for years). I received treatment for my cancer and I feel my cancer is gone. Prayer is the most powerful form of medicine. God listens to our prayers and sometimes uses doctors to answer them. Having St. Peregrine go to bat for us is like an expert guiding us through difficult times in our lives. It has been ten years and I continue to pray that I will remain cancer free.

Joe Pasek
Tonawanda, NY

I am 65 years old and a member of St. Pius X Catholic Church. In 1997, I had a spinal surgery and have rods and screws in my spine. When I was able to walk, my body was shaped like the number 7. I went to the healing mass at Blessed Sacrament Church on Claremont and soon after I found myself standing up right.

I have had arthritis since I was a child and have been on many medications over the years – nothing helped. I went to the healing mass at St. Gregory the Great and I wanted healing of my arthritis. I was anointed and prayed over. When I left the mass, I was still in pain, but the next day the pain was gone. I have not had any pain since that night. The Lord has done great things for me. I love Him and I give myself to Him.

Mona K.
Amherst, NY
July 2016

In January 2009, I went for routine blood work. I received a call the next day from my doctor who said it looked like I had hepatitis and I needed to get the blood work redone. When he got those results back, he said something was wrong and I needed to get a sonogram. It indicated I had tumors on my liver. I was shocked as I had no symptoms and felt good.

I then went to Roswell for a MRI and CT scan. They showed tumors on my pancreas and liver. They said it started in my pancreas. There is a duct between the pancreas and the liver and that is how the cancer spread. I was told I had Stage 4 cancer and was given 6 months to live. My first thought was "You aren't going to tell me when I will's in God's hands."

For 18 months I was given intravenous chemotherapy. It made me extremely sick. I was fatigued, had neuropathy in my hands and feet, sores in my mouth, rashes, insomnia, nauseous all the time and lost my hair. It was horrendous. I was existing not living. Roswell refused to operate on me because I had tumors in two organs.

When I was diagnosed, I did some research on the computer. I joined PANCAN, the Pancreatic Cancer Association. In the spring of 2010, I received an email from them inviting me to a symposium of liver and pancreas surgeons at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. Unfortunately, I was so sick I was in Roswell so my sister-in-law and brother-in-law went on my behalf. They spoke to the doctors at UPMC and explained my situation. After sending them all my records from Roswell, they were confident they could help me. 

On June 2nd, 2010, we went to Pittsburgh and met with the doctors. They said, "We don't know why you are should be dead. Since you aren't, we're going to help by removing the tumors from your pancreas and liver." They started with several rounds of targeted therapy called TACE. They went through my groin and deposited miniscule chemo beads in my liver to kill the tumors inside my liver. I was usually extremely sick after these treatments. On May 3rd, 2011, they operated on me and indicated the surgery was a complete success and I was cancer free. Recovery was long and hard. Eventually the cancer came back in my liver and also spread to my right adrenal gland. More surgery was required on January 22nd, 2012. CT scans done in April 2013 showed more tumors on the liver. I had three more TACE procedures. In June, I collapsed at home. Doctors indicated I was very close to body was shutting down. I was diagnosed with pneumonia and stayed in the hospital for 9 days so that I could build my strength back up.

My oncologist then started me on two new chemo pills which I took for a year. Except for nausea and fatigue, I was leading a normal life. I then had to stop taking them because they caused leukemia in some patients after a year.  

Over the years, I had been to several healing masses in Western New York. During this whole journey, I prayed to God, Jesus and numerous saints. I had been to a St. Peregrine healing mass and asked our priest if we could have one at our church. He agreed. On October 2nd, 2014, I attended the mass. When it was my time to be blessed by Father David Bellittiere, I asked for healing of the tumors on my liver. On October 16th, I went to UPMC for my 3 month checkup and CT scan. My liver doctor came into the room telling us I was a miracle...all the tumors in my liver were gone!

At my visit last month, my oncologist says he can't explain why the pills worked for me. He has given these drugs to hundreds of patients and I'm one out of three people who had success with the pills. I know I am blessed. God orchestrated this whole journey. He guided me through every twist and turn. He gave me the strength to push forward and never give up. And I know Saint Peregrine was working in the background with God on my behalf.

Linda M.
Hamburg, NY
September 2015

I address you so tenderly because God used you to draw me to your St. Peregrine healing masses in 2014 when I had been diagnosed with Diffuse Large B-cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. I had a peace that Jesus would heal me... and He did! I am so grateful for all of you!

It's been over 250 days since my bone marrow transplant and I am 100% cancer free. I thank our God for you! It's now August 7, 2015 and I have had the most wonderful summer. What a difference from last year when I was so weak and nauseous from chemo that I couldn't even tolerate a car ride, let alone have the energy to just walk outside the house. How delighted I am to take walks today!

I can't praise God enough for his gift of healing and I'm so grateful He led me to your ministry! His mercy is new every morning! Thanks be to God!

Pam E.
Cheektowaga, NY
August 2015

I have suffered with chronic debilitating migraines and TMJ headaches for at least 20 years and have had 2-3 migraines a week, if not more. I had a migraine that lasted up to 7 days and had to be put on an IV. I have been to numerous doctors/specialists. This all changed when I attended the St. Peregrine healing mass in the Fall of 2013.

I went up for the Anointing of the Sick and it felt so peaceful. Father David Bellittiere prayed over me and blessed me with the holy oil. When I went up for the blessing I never said what I needed healing from, but God knew!! It was an amazing mass and truly a blessing to be there.

Weeks later I realized I had not had a migraine, then months went by, and now years. My quality of life has changed for the better. My faith has always been strong, but this was truly a blessing in my life. What a pleasure to be able to tell my story of healing. I believe in the power of pray and will continue, thank you for your ministry. God Bless!!!!

Kathie C.
Cheektowaga, NY
June 2015

I am unsure how to write my short story as it spans 18 years. Nevertheless, I choose to accept the helpful advice of a current member of The Friends of St. Peregrine: “Just listen to your heart and the words will come.” (And did they ever!):

My cancer journey began in May 1995 at the age of 47. My yearly mammogram resulted with a diagnosis of breast cancer. My choice was never to question the stage of cancer because I wanted to treat and fight it as though it were early on. This way I felt I could give it all I had mentally, physically and spiritually. After all, I wanted to experience my grandchildren growing up as I grew old with the man of my dreams as well as many other milestones yet to be enjoyed. With the support of my YhusbandY, family/friends, medical team and my faith, I became a survivor determined on being pro-active in my healthcare by diligently following up with all screenings, appointments and whatever else came my way regarding my health. Very importantly, I experienced a newfound strength of my faith in God.

In August 1999, after a routine chest x-ray and additional screenings, a biopsy revealed lung cancer. I was terrified! This was a 2nd cancer diagnosis within five years! Was this “it” for me? If I recall correctly, it was during my recovery from this lung surgery that a healing mass was scheduled at Holy Trinity in Dunkirk. I remember thinking, what good timing for me! I attended this first healing mass along with my husband and two oldest grandchildren. I prayed for strength and guidance. It was a very emotional evening for me. I felt exhausted. Yet I left refreshed with peace of mind and acceptance of whatever God had in store for my future (“Thy will be done”.) The report from my surgeon was that all the cancer was removed and no further treatment was needed. I was elated and gratefully, went home to heal and move forward with my life.

October 2003, brought yet another cancer diagnosis on my right lung. At this point I am certain the healing mass I attended just before my surgery was a St. Peregrine Healing Mass at Holy Trinity Parish. Father David Bellittiere was our Pastor at the time. I recall again praying fervently for strength and guidance. I was dreadfully frightened of what may lie ahead. After this surgery, my surgeon told me he was confident that all the cancer was removed. Again I went home to heal and move on. Someone was surely hearing my prayers. My husband and I tried to attend St. Peregrine Healing Masses whenever they came to Dunkirk. I always left those masses with that exhausted yet refreshed feeling.

July 2007 was a year of adversity for me and my family. My borderline developmentally disabled son, who was 33, had a massive heart attack. A decision had to be made for surgery of which he had a 50/50 chance of survival. Our heads were spinning—our hearts were pounding! He has a wife, son and daughter. I also had a routine checkup scheduled with my Oncologist. I recall telling my husband that my test results have to be fine because “God only gives you as much as you can handle.” I couldn’t imagine us handling any more right now. The results were not fine. Another lung surgery was scheduled quickly. I was thoroughly bewildered! Something told me to call Father David as I was walking down a hospital hallway which I was not familiar with. Father answered. After telling him of my predicament he asked me to find a quiet place to pray with him. I looked to my right and lo & behold for reasons unknown, I was right in front of the Chapel door! My husband and I went inside, knelt down and prayed with Father. David on the speaker of my cell phone. Father David suggested I meet with him at Holy Trinity. We did so after gathering five of my six grandchildren. Father David and my family prayed with me. It was then that I recognized that through Father David and St. Peregrine, God had given me all I ever prayed for and needed to carry out these battles. My faith and strength was truly reinforced. I felt blessed with hope and prepared for what was to come. (I believe my miracle was set in motion at this point.)

I underwent the lung surgery while my son remained in the other hospital. My dear husband was doing a great job of being there for the both of us. Cancer does have its way of making us love deeper than we ever thought possible. This, in turn, again made us stronger than we ever thought possible. In hindsight, I realize that this is the strength I had been praying for all along! Yes indeed, Someone was listening. My son was released and visited me after surgery. I remember my surgeon waking me up with my biopsy results. He was mystified and a bit apologetic. The mass was benign! I was elated and never once regretted having had to go through that surgery. I believe everything happened just the way God intended. My miracle spanned many years. I was given guidance and strength which was reinforced every time I needed it. ïThis year I am 10 years cancer free!ð Miracles don’t always happen right then and there. It can take years and then we also need to be perceptive enough to recognize them.

Father David is such an immense part of my story. I am so grateful that he was sent to us as a Pastor. It was at the exact time I needed to have someone like him in my life. He is the guidance part of my miracle. He humbly told me he is “simply a vessel of St. Peregrine and God.” Maybe so, but I feel he is much more than that. There is just something about him that I admire and revere. I still try to attend St. Peregrine Healing Masses whenever they come along. I intend to continue thanking God, St. Peregrine and Father. David for ALL I’ve been blessed with. In sharing my blessing, I pray with two dear friends who are going through their own cancer journeys and also for my son who is doing well at this time.

Thank you Friends of St. Peregrine for bringing your healing masses to us! May God and St. Peregrine bless you with good health and everything necessary to continue on with this calling.

Mary Jane
July 2013

On May 28, 2012 we learned my wife June Durkin had cancer, a rare form of brain cancer - Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma. We heard about the St. Peregrine Healing Mass on May 30th at Fourteen Holy Helpers. We attended this mass with a group of supporters. On June 1st, June was admitted to Roswell for surgery and chemo therapy treatment. On June 14th, family and friends joined June at the 20th Anniversary mass of St. Peregrine at Our Lady of Victory Basilica. June spent over 35 days and nights and 32 outpatient days at Roswell to continue her treatment. On October 24th, the brain MRI indicated June was in remission - Praise the Lord! I wrote a poem to express our gratitude. Feel free to share this with others looking for hope and spiritual guidance.

Remission Accomplished

Yes it's true - God granted permission,
to send this cancer into remission.
Thanks to everyone who continued to pray,
the doctors and nurses who worked hard every day.
Over 75 cards and beautiful flowers,
many days and nights spent in the Roswell Towers.

Candles were lit and masses to attend,
they cut, stitched and stuck to help me mend.
The endless rounds of chemo were rough,
my hopes were high and my body was tough.
Thanks be to God - His power is great,
He again gave me reason to celebrate.

Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma


Mike Durkin

I have been reluctant to share my story even though I have been deeply touched by the work of the Friends of St. Peregrine because it is difficult for me to talk about my cancer. At first, it was even difficult for me to say the word. It has been a tremendously scary disease to face. Before my diagnosis, my famous line was always "I don't do sick very well." And that was so true. I was convinced that I never got the slightest cold or flu because I didn't accept being sick. Being sick meant three things to me. One, that I had to slow down, secondly that I was weak, and thirdly that I was not in control of my life. I was strong, on the go, and in control.

Well unbeknownst to me God had a very different plan for my life. He did not think that I could achieve greatness in his eyes with my life plan. At the time of my diagnosis, I was a healthy, active 37 year old who had managed to fight off all illnesses that my two young children brought home. I actually believed that I didn't get sick because I was in control of my life. How funny is that?

In May of 2011, I was diagnosed with a cancerous brain tumor. This was such an unimaginable thing for me. I immediately had two craniotomies, a biopsy and then a tumor resection. This was followed by radiation and chemotherapy. I was initially given a survival prognosis of 15 to 18 months. Just wrapping my head around that was one of the biggest challenges I have ever faced. My daughters were two and four years old at the time. I spent weeks in shock and denial.

From the moment of my diagnosis, I asked God - what can you do with my suffering? I refused to believe that my suffering would be for nothing. It has only been a year so I don't know how my story will end. What I know with all my heart is that God has been with me EVERY moment. I started out bargaining with him. I would say "cure me like you cured St. Peregrine and I will do great things for you". That eventually grew into, "I will do great things for you even if you don't cure me". I realized that living in God's grace with cancer and serving him is better than living an empty life. I have a trust and faith in God that I never would have had if I wasn't diagnosed with a terminal cancer. There are moments now that I feel blessed with this disease God has given me and I would not change my life even if I could. I would not go back to the overachieving strong willed person that I was. I feel at peace giving all of the control to my Lord and Savior.

There was a monumental moment in my journey where it all changed. It was at the May 30th St. Peregrine Healing Mass at Fourteen Holy Helpers. I was anointed by the priest and returned to my seat. I lifted my hands to God and said "take my life and do with it as you please". I was overcome with a tremendous sense of peace and healing. From that moment on I feel like I have been healed. Healed from the cancer? I don't know. Maybe it was an emotional or spiritual healing. All I know is that I have peace and I am not afraid anymore. Will I live another 20 years and have an even better story to tell? Maybe… but that is up to God. He will write the ending to my story. He will do with my life as he chooses because in the end he loves me and wants the best for me and my family. I will let him decide what that is.

Denise Joy

My cancer was recently diagnosed as a tumor in my neck which was growing so rapidly that the oncologist was ready to increase my dose of radiation to twice daily. On Thursday, I attended the St. Peregrine Healing Mass. By Sunday, the tumors were so much smaller that the double dose of radiation was unnecessary. My children and grandchildren came to visit and we all prayed the healing prayers. I pray for God's blessing for all.


We must never give up. Hard times are a fact of life. How we deal with these events is a profession of our real Christianity. Suffering brings us closer to our God. I have been through paralysis, tumors, surgeries and radiation. I have been blessed a hundred times and more. I am walking and have been in good health. God bless all of you who have brought the presence of St. Peregrine into your life.
